Karin Gisler: Feel at ease with difficult roles

Big Bang
Some roles we are choosen for we find hard to play: It can be any kind of agressor, hypocrite and violent figures, abusing persons, political extremists – to play those characters can be a real challenge. We will explore methods to access this roles and find ways to enable us to enact them authentically and playfully.

 Karin Bettina Gisler originally trained in physical theatre, clowning, group facilitation and psychology. She has worked as a Playback Professional for 24 years. She is founder and leader of the company Playback-Theater Zürich (1992). Accredited Playback Theatre Trainer, member of the Board of Centre for Playback Theatre, Co-founder of the «Schule für Playback-Theater», teacher at the Arab School for Playback Theatre. Gave trainings in Europe, Afrika, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Cuba, India,  Serbia, Sri Lanka, Russia and Ukraine.