9.8.-17.8.2016BIG BANG – Playback Theatre Gathering in Helsinki
You are part of big histories and small stories!
We invite you to our Big Bang! Come and make it unforgettable with us. We will meet under the theme of Big History. The gathering will be dealing with the big changes that are happening in Europe by telling stories. We are on the so called threshold moment. The world will never be the same after these big changes. You are welcome to share your thoughts, feelings, confusions and dreams. We will explore possibilities how to deal with these changes in a creative way. Let’s look to the future together and learn more about our great method.
We will have lots of international guests. Village Playback Theatre from NYC and Teater X from Stockholm are performing and many other experienced playbackers are facilitating home groups and workshops.
Address: Hämeentie 161, Helsinki
Registration open until 10.8. klo 15.00!

In workshop you concentrate in one theme for 90 mins. We have different types of workshops; some action-based, some theoretical and some are performances.
Saturday 13.30-15.00
Sunday 13.30-15.00
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Huima laulu
New Jazz, Russia
Teater X, Stockholm, Sweden
Village Playback Theatre, NYC, USA
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Homegroups meet daily with same people and theme. Home group timetable: Friday 19.00–20.30, Saturday 10.00-12.00 and Sunday 10.00-12.00.
Sama porukka kokoontuu päivittäin kotiryhmään. Ryhmän aikataulu: perjantai klo 19.00–20.30, lauantai klo 10.00–12.00 ja sunnuntai klo 10.00–12.00.
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Special Event LARP Night 11.8.
Pre-Conference Art of Acting 9.-11.8.
Engagement. After we have successfully invited the audience to sit and listen, when then? How do we maintain engagement with them? We do this by elevating the artistry within the performance.
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Pre-Conference ABC-kurssit Courses 12.8.
ABC-kurssit tarjoavat herkullisia kurkistuksia soveltavan teatterin erilaisiin menetelmiin. Tule ja tutustu itsellesi uusiin lähestymistapoihin. One ABC Course in English.
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Post-Conference Art of Conducting 15.-17.8.
Diversity. As Playback Theatre performers, we come from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds, skills, perspectives, beliefs and disciplines.
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Playback Theatre Seminar Timetable 12.-14.8.2016
15.00-17.00 arriving and reception
17.00-18.30 opening and performance
19.00–20.30 home groups
20.30-21.30 coffee break
21.30-23.00 performance
9.00-9.45 waking ups
10.00-12.00 home groups
12.00-13.30 lunch and coffee
13.30-15.00 workshops and performances
15.00-15.30 break
15.30-17.00 performance
19.00-24.00 big evening on the historic island of Seurasaari
24.00-01.00 boat trip back to the city
10.00-12.00 home groups
12.00-13.30 lunch
13.30-15.00 workshops and performances
15.30-17.00 closing up performance and ceremonies
The Gathering will take place at Metropolia University, Hämeentie 161, 00560 Helsinki, Finland.
Tapaaminen järjestetään Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun tiloissa osoitteessa: Hämeentie 161, 00560 Helsinki.
Tuottaja / Producer Henna Akkala, henna.akkala (at) metropolia.fi / +358 50 4087938