Kerstin Jurdell: Sociodrama

                                                 WHO AM I?

           In the beginning was existence. In the beginning was the act.

                                                      J.L. Moreno 1964


Plato writes, 385 BC, in his famous Symposium, that human beings from the beginning were globes with four arms and four legs. We were rolling around happily, but overestimated ourselves and got arrogant. Zeus, the leader of the Olympic Gods then punished us and cut us into two halves. Since then we are looking for the other half. Kierkegaard, the pioneer of existential philosophy, wrote in the 19th century, that man has been abandoned, lonely, despaired and fragmented. Nietzsche, later declared God is dead. Today we meet challenges in society when we try to find ourselves in a world where we in many ways are torn apart in conflicts between each other. Men and women, people from other cultures and a global world demands a new way of being where we ask ourselves; Who am I if I meet you?

In this workshop we will explore this phenomenon in a sociodrama. Kerstin will facilitate also an ABC course with the same theme. How can we be spontaneous in the world?



Mrs. Kerstin Jurdell, MA, Director of psychodrama, TEP, Lecturer at the University of Gävle, Sweden, Founder and Educator at the Swedish Psychodrama School.